Write a program that uses recursion to place eight queens on a chessboard (8 x 8 board) such that no queen is "attacking" another. (Queens in chess can move vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.)
You may use the makefile below to manage building this assignment:
# # PROGRAM: 8 queens # AUTHOR: your name # CXXFLAGS+=-Wall -Werror -std=c++11 PROGS=queens .PHONY: all clean world all: $(PROGS) clean: rm -f *.o $(PROGS) world: clean all
- This will contain your recursive program.Below are some of the exactly 92 solutions to the eight queens problem. Your program must print them all in exactly the following format (obviously the blue lines are not part of your output and are shown for reference):
z123456@turing:~/csci501/Assign2$ ./queens solution 1 X - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - - - - - - - - X - - - - - X - - - - X - - - - - - - - - - - X - - X - - - - - - - - - X - - - - solution 2 X - - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - - - - - - - X - - X - - - - - - - - - - - X - - - - X - - - - - X - - - - - - - - - - X - - - solution 3 ... z123456@turing:~/csci501/Assign2$
where a 'X'; means a queen is on that square of the board and a '-' means the square is empty.
There must be a header for each solution counting its number starting with 1 (as shown above.)
Your output must not include any blank lines or blanks at the end of any line.
Note that it is very important that your output be formatted exactly as shown above. In grading your program, its output will be checked by another program (we wrote) that expects as input a solution in this precise format.
Note that the ORDER in which your program identifies and prints the solutions is not important. But if you follow the hints below and start on the first line and at left column (and then proceed in top-down and left-right order) when placing each queen then your first two solutions will match those shown above.
To hand in your assignment you must follow the instructions in the Assignment Submission Instructions (as you did for Assignment 0.)
You might want to represent the chessboard using a 2-D array of integers or Boolean variables, e.g., int board[8][8]
or bool board[8][8]
. This array can be declared in your main()
function or as a data member of a class that you write. Initialize the board by filling the array with 0s or false
A general strategy is to solve the problem by starting with the top row of the chessboard and proceed down the chessboard one row at a time. Only place a single queen in each row. This eliminates the need to check for other queens on the same row (i.e., queens that could attack horizontally). Always start processing a row by attempting to place a queen in the leftmost column and moving to the right as necessary. When placing a queen in a particular row remember that it suffices to only check the rows above you. If the queen is safe, then place it on the board there (board[row][col] = 1;
or board[row][col] = true;
) and proceed to the next row. If it is not safe, then continue to move one column to the right until you find a safe spot or run out of columns.
Write a recursive function called place_queens()
that returns a Boolean value and accepts two arguments, the chessboard and a row index. If your chessboard is a data member of a class, then this will be a member function of that class and you will only need to pass it the row index.
Method 1 (return true/false to let caller know a solution was found)
The way to think about place_queens()
is that it attempts to place all the queens from the row you specified and down. If it can place all the queens from that row down, it returns true
and leaves the queens on the chessboard. If it couldn't then it returns false
and removes all the queens from that row down. This way, after you initialize the chessboard, you may make the single call from your main() routine like this place_queens(board, 0)
(for a function) or this q.place_queens(0)
(for a member function, assuming q
is an instance of the class you defined).
always starts by attempting to place a queen in the leftmost column of the row it received as an argument and checking that it is safe from all the queens in the rows above it. If it is not safe, then proceed by moving the queen one column to the right and checking that square. If you get to the right end of the board without finding a safe spot, then return false
. If you find a safe spot, then place the queen on the board and call place_queens()
again (recursively) asking it to place all the queens on the rows below yours (i.e., passing it the same board it received but incrementing the row index by 1).
Test the return value of that recursive call.
Recall that place_queens()
will attempt to place all the queens in the rows below
and return either false
or true
based its success.
If the return value is true
, then print the current board as a solution.
If it is false
, then there was either no way to place the other queens (below) on the board or
the the last of all possible solutions with the higher rows in their current state have been checked and printed.
You must try and find another safe column (to the right) in the same row.
Move the queen in this row to the right, one column at a time, until you find another square
where the queen is safe from all the queens above it.
If you find another safe column, place the queen there and make another
recursive call to place_queens()
If there are no more safe columns in this row, then remove the queen from this row and
return false
Notice that, as described above, place_queens()
will ONLY return true
the base-case! This means that the ONLY time a board solution will be printed will be
from place_queens()
when it has just placed a safe queen on the bottom row.
(This should make sense... after all, you can't have a solution unless there is one queen on each row.)
The stopping condition for this recursive algorithm is when you enter place_queens()
and the row that you have been passed is greater than 7 (assuming the top row is row 0). Again, this is also the only time
that place_queens()
will return true
Method 2 (void place_queens())
This is the same as method 1 except that rather return true or false, return nothing and preform the printing of a found solution in the base case rather than flagging the caller to do it. I think this method was simpler to explain in the lecture video.
The way to think about place_queens()
is that it attempts to place all the queens
from the row you specified and down.
If it finds that there are no more rows to fill then it has
succeeded and it will print the current board solution and return.
This way, after you initialize the chessboard, you may make the single call from your main()
routine like this place_queens(board, 0)
(for a function) or this
(for a member function, assuming q
is an
instance of the class you defined).
always starts by attempting to place a queen in the leftmost
column of the row it received as an argument and checks that it is safe from all the queens
in the rows above it (there can not be any other queens on the same row nor below.)
If it is not safe, then proceed by moving the queen one column to the right and checking that square.
If you get to the right end of the board without finding a safe spot, then remove it and simply return.
If you find a safe spot, then place the queen on the board and call place_queens()
again (recursively) asking it to place all the queens on the rows below yours
(i.e., passing it the same board it received but incrementing the row index by 1).
Recall that place_queens()
will attempt to place all the queens in the rows below
and return when it has completed (regardless of how many solutions may have been found and printed.)
When a recursive call to place_queens()
returns, you must continue to try and find other
safe columns (to the right) in the same row.
Move the queen in this row to the right, one column at a time, until you find another square
where the queen is safe from all the queens above it.
If you find another safe column, place the queen there and make another
recursive call to place_queens()
If there are no more safe columns in this row, then remove the queen from this row and
The base-case/stopping condition for this recursive algorithm is when you enter place_queens()
and the row that you have been passed is greater than 7 (assuming the top row is row 0).
This is also the only time that place_queens()
will print a solution.
For what its worth... I found it cleaned up my code considerably to factor the logic that checks
if a queen is safe as well as the logic to print the board out of my place_queens()
Last modified: 2020-09-05 08:36:48 CDT